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"Mary, Mary, Mary..."

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By: Isabela Castillo 10°A

           As Halloween is pretty close and we are getting those spooky chills, we should talk about scary stories and anecdotes that happened in our school.  “Mary, Mary, Mary…” those words meant the most scary and mysterious thing in the school. When we used to be young and naïve, girls from the higher grades laughed at our despair because of the scary story they made up. Everyone knows Bloody Mary.  However, if you have not heard about her I am going to make a brief summary of the different theories surrounding the legend so you can have a clearer perspective. There are many places that say that Bloody Mary is based on the historical figure Queen Mary I. Queen Mary I suffered from a phantom pregnancy and was severely judged by all the society. She was known to be useless and a disgrace because she could not conceive a primogenitor for the throne. Also, because of the religious “wars” between the Catholics and the Protestants that were taking place during that period, Queen Mary I ordered many assassinations. Because of these situations she earned the name of “Bloody Mary” forevermore. On the other hand, there is another theory that explains the origins of this eerie tale. There is a more actual and modern version that talks about a woman that had a fatal car accident and her face was extremely disfigured. And last but not least, it is said to be based in a witch that practiced the black arts during the Salem trials. Consequently, she was executed.

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            Well, now that we have a little background, we can talk about the version that used to frighten us as little girls. It started at the bathroom of the coliseum. In order to happen what everybody was scared of, you should stand in front of the mirror and chant the name of that unfriendly spirit: “Mary, Mary, Mary…” Moments later, seemingly a woman with a horripilate face, crying and sobbing desperately will appear behind your back and … PUFF there will be no trace of yourself or your fear. Even though it is obvious that the story is not true and will never be, innocence will always play the cards against you and so will your age. At least that was what happened to me. When I was in first grade, my friends and I liked to prove who was the bravest of all and we challenged each other to chant the infamous words in the bathroom. That recess I was feeling pretty confident and I decided to try it. My friends left me alone and I started to talk “Mary…” my pulse was getting quicker and I started to sweat “Mary…” I was starting to regret this “Ma…ry”. At this point, my voice was trembling but as I did not see any of the hideous things that the old girls portrayed to us, I turned around and took off. When I thought everything was over I heard heavy noises against the doors and the lights turned off. I was completely terrified. I really thought that I was going to disappear. I started sobbing uncontrollably thinking how my friends and family would react. Everything was turning black when suddenly, all my friends appeared laughing at my reaction and what had happened. It was a really bad joke. In conclusion, have a good time during this Halloween, but I recommend you to be more scared of what your friends might do than of the dark monsters that movies and legends portray us. Happy spooky season!

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